
This study aims to determine the implementation of educational aids in developing children's science in elementary schools. The approach used in this research is a descriptive qualitative approach. This research is focused on the use of teaching aids in the process of implementing learning that can improve children's scientific development. Researchers in collecting data using observation instruments, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study are that during the implementation of the learning process, the use of teaching aids that are in accordance with the material and abilities of the children, teaching aids that have been designed by educators are not only in accordance with the wishes of the educator but are chosen according to the children and adapted to the material and curriculum burden, in addition to implementing learning using these media, must have limitations, namely the lack of facilities and infrastructure so that it is required for teachers to increase creativity in making various teaching aids with simple materials and tools as they are, so that the learning process can run smoothly. effective and efficient. Thus the achievement of educational and learning objectives to develop children's science can be achieved properly