Al-Asror Prayer Water Therapy Method in an Effort to Treat Diseases


Alternative treatment is not intended to replace conventional treatment, but it is as a companion because each treatment has advantages so that it will produce a powerful treatment. This study aims to determine how the impact of Al-Asror prayer water therapy treatment on internal medicine clients. The method that will be used in this research is qualitative is a descriptive approach with the type of case study. Invocation water therapy is a treatment method that used water which has been given an invocation as a treatment medium. There are various kinds of diseases which have given a positive response while given invocation water therapy treatment; it is including internal diseases such as Immunology, Gastroenterohepatology, Geriatrics, Renal Hypertension, Hematology, Medical Oncology, Cardiology, Endocrine Metabolism, Psychosomatics, Pulmonology, Rheumatology, Tropical Infections. After conducting interviews with therapists and 5 clients who underwent the treatment at Al-Asror’s invocation water therapy, the researchers has concluded that Al-Asror’s invocation water therapy has an effect in helping to treat internal diseases.