KONSEP BUDAYA MEMBACA DAN RELEVANSINYA DENGAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM (Studi Analisis terhadap buku Spiritual Reading karya Raghib As-Sirjani)


Reading is an important aspect in the life manusia.Dengan reading could gain knowledge, besides reading is peintah of Allah to all mankind, as contained in Surah al-Alaq paragraph 1-5.Setiap aspect of life involves reading, and in addition the ability to read the guidance reality of everyday human life. Result of this research is the relevance of a culture of reading with the Islamic education was very close relation and comparable straight with the Word of God who first scaled the letter al-Alaq that verses 1-5. Reading is an educational method Illahi.Membaca command in Islam. Read to apply the values ​​of Islamic education in the cultivation of the soul reading culture will deliver the culprit for not doing so except for Allah.