Analisis Polemik Pengesahan RUU Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual (TPKS)


This paper aims to analyze the formation of the Draft Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence from the perspective of Legal Politics and the series of class struggles that fought for the ratification of this bill. This paper attempts to analyze the political configuration in the Act, looking at the normative and empirical obstacles that occurred during the formation, design, until the polemic of ratification that occurred. The method used is a literature review approach, with online reviews. In the formulation of the Bill on the Elimination of Sexual Violence, there was a tug-of-war. Since 2016 until now, the Bill on the Elimination of KS has been in and out of Prolegnas several times, but so far it has not been ratified for various reasons given until it is clashed with religious beliefs. The tug-of-war discussion of the Bill on the Elimination of Sexual Violence shows the reluctance of the legislature to provide legal protection to the community. This paper draws a conclusion by looking at various aspects, that the Draft Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence both in terms of ideas and in reality is needed by the community, especially women as the handling of violence against women.