Resistensi Perempuan terhadap Kuasa di Balik Kasus Perampasan Ruang Hidup: Studi Ekofeminisme


The relationship between humans and the relationship between humans and the universe is important to understand further, especially in the current era of capitalism, the discussion of human actions that are very wrong in understanding their relationship to the universe, sees the universe (the product of the earth) as just fulfilling the necessities of life. The capitalist system that became the forerunner of the existence of a global disequilibrium condition, where the current capitalist system with its practice has many extractive companies that eventually cause a lot of damage to the earth. More than that, rampant land grabbing and reclamation of beaches are also the face of the current extractive capitalism system. Many people's living spaces have been usurped for the sake of only a few human groups, making subordinated communities not only silent seeing this condition, there are also many forms of resistance as a way to maintain their living space, especially women who in ecofeminism are very important in carrying out a form of resistance to forms of violence. expropriation of living space. Awareness of women must continue to be grown in view of the cruelty of the extractive capitalism system which deeply sucks the proletarian society and especially women.