
This article aims to know about the learning process on majors lecture at  library and Information science departement. This Research focussed on applying systems model the colaborative learning in the development of ability of students’s  information literacy for student of library and information science departement  of the Adab and Humaniora Faculty of the state Islamic University of SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi. The result of this research showed that  the learning process condition of  students of the fifth semester  (A/B/C)  of 2016/2017 academic was good even to lower category.  The describt of  learning result for  the student’s ibrary and information science  of the fifth  (A/B/C)  on  2016 / 2017 academic for  six lectures were goodness have visible with the value estimation obtained by  B or B+ predicate or 7 - 7,99 predicate. The factors that  influenced  lecturer in learning process  to the students of the fifth  semester ( A/B/C)  of Majors of Library Science are;  teaching method of lecturer, support of literatures; and the systems of teaching planning for lecturer. The  collaborative learning model what  expected in the  improving efforts of the student information literacy are; Engagement, Exploration, Transformation, Presentation, and Reflection.