Analisis Manajemen Laba Perbankan Konvensional dan Perbankan Syariah di Bursa Efek Indonesia


Earnings management in financial statements can be caused by accrual accounting policies applied and conflicts of interest in agency theory. This study aims to analyze and compare earnings management in financial statements of conventional banks and Islamic banks. This research is a descriptive study of banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2018. Earnings management is measured by accrual earnings management proxied by discretionary accruals using the modified-Jones model. The samples are 10 Islamic banks and 32 conventional banks. The results show that the comparison of the average absolute value of discretionary accruals for conventional banks is 0.0659 and for Islamic banks is 0.0478. It shows that discretionary accruals for Islamic banks are generally smaller compared to conventional banks. This indicates that the level of earnings management in Islamic bank financial statements is lower than conventional banks.