
Curriculum 2013 has clearly adopted the integrated approach-monotheism seek to build harmony and rationality transcendental region within the national education based on the reality of diversity and pluralism. Learners are expected to be the pioneers of creating and opening the way education necessitates tolerance, openness, and integration of knowledge. Competence of learners are willing to accept, appreciate, and run their religion is the answer to the reality of the diversity of ethnic, cultural and religious. The presence of six characters who reflect the diversity and ethnic groups in Indonesia, ranging from figures derived from the ethnic Chinese to figures from Papua. The characters are present in textbooks namely Siti (girls veiled) and Lina (slanted eyes of ethnic Chinese) is a fact of value and message of multicultural education in the curriculum of 2013. On the other hand, multicultural attitude manifests in the form of mutual respect, mutual help, mutual empathy toward others is clearly illustrated in the picture / visual has always been accompanying course material. Keywords: Value Multicultural, Curriculum 2013