Antibacterial Activity Test of Ethanol Extract of Matoa Leaf (Pometia pinnata) against Salmonella typhi


Typhoid fever known as a disease which is caused by pathogenic bacteria of Salmonella-typhi. It is usually curable with antibiotics including synthetic treatments that kill bacteria that cause typhoid fever. The study was conducted to identify traditional treatments that could be used as a cures for typhoid fever.  The leaf of the matoa is natural medicine containing a secondary metabolic compound that can impede the growth of bacteria. The study aims to know toxic effect and antibacterial ethanol extract of matoa leaves on Salmonella typhi bacteria. The study used a 96% ethanol maceration method. The extract of matoa leaf ethanol was further done by phytogenic screening and FT-IR characterization. The extract of matoa leaves could be nuisance Salmonellatyphi bacteria growth on a category which was being marked by clear zone around the disk at 35% concentration with 3 mm resistance zone.