Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 Pada Pemebalajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Penguatan Karakter Relegius Siswa


The phenomenon of character education in Indonesia has existed along with the realization of the 2013 Curriculum. Character education was implemented even before the 2013 curriculum was implemented in schools. Character education is a school-based effort that helps a person or group of people care, understand, act seriously to apply ethical values. The purpose of character education is to help students develop optimal potential in various matters related to morality, citizenship, courtesy and ethics, behavior, being healthy, critical, success that will meet social norms and can be accepted in society both at home and globally. . Which one day the nation's children will become human beings with quality and noble character. With character education, students can apply character values ​​such as religious, responsible, democratic, honest, trustworthy, leadership, fair and polite in their attitude. Character education that is integrated in the 2013 Curriculum creates the next generation who is ready to face future challenges whose goal is that students have better abilities in the ability to observe, ask (interview), reason, and communicate (present) what they get or know after receive subject matter. The 2013 curriculum which is based on character and competence lies in the core competencies of K-I 1 which includes spiritual attitudes; K-I 2 includes social attitudes; KI-3 includes knowledge, and KI-4 skills