Building Synonym Sets for English WordNet with Robust Clustering using Links Method


English WordNet is an important synonym set to present the similarity of meanings between words. Synonym Set is built using Oxford Thesaurus which is accessed through, which is a part of the lexical database that will be used. After using the extraction process through Oxford Thesaurus it will produce a synonym set with the same meaning between words. The difference between WordNet and ordinary dictionaries is that the word is interconnected with other words. One method employed for this approach is Robust Clustering Using Links method, which is similarity values and synonym sets that have been created to be used to build a lexical database. Therefore the main purpose of the development of the English WordNet is to produce an accurate synonym set using clustering techniques. The evaluation calculation will use the F-measure method and will use the gold standard for the calculation method. With the ROCK method, there is an increase in accuracy output from dataset input. Building the English wordnet is to improve words that can be used to help research and development of other language wordnets with role models using more accurate English wordnets. And the use of ROCK method there is an increase in the accuracy upon results of the development of English wordnet compared to the previous method, which is using hierarchical clustering. The outcome of this study resulted in improved accuracy so that the ROCK method is one of the good methods used in the development of the English wordnet.