
Talent is a capacity or potential that is influenced by experience or learning, talent is related to the possibility of mastering a pattern of behavior in certain aspects of life. In my opinion talent is innate which is the potential to actualize himself as a servant (abid) who serves Allah and is the potential to actualize himself as (Khalifatullah) on earth, therefore talent must always be developed through exercises, so that talent will be will help to become a responsible caliph. There is a close relationship between intelligence and talent of children. This is indicated by the understanding of the child's own talent which means great potential in a type of intelligence. While intelligence itself is divided into several aspects, namely logical and mathematical intelligence, language intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence or imagination, kinesthetic or physical intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal or social intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, naturalist intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and financial intelligence. . This means that a person's talent can lead to one of these intelligences.