Analisis Kesalahan Pola Kalimat Bahasa Indonesia pada Karangan Narasi Kelas IV SD Negeri Kunciran 07


This research is a qualitative descriptive study in the field of language. Technique data collection in this study is the method of interview, observation and look-note method. Determination of research informants in this study using a purposive procedure. Data analysis  techniques in this study depending on the type of data. Interview and observation data. Narrative  essay data grade IV students, totaling 13 essays, were analyzed using the method referential match. Testing the validity of the data in this study using moleong qualitative data examination technique. Inspection tchnique used is triangulation of data sources and adequacy of references. The results showed that there were seven types of pattern errors sentences in students’ narrative essays. Seven sentence pattern errors in essays narration of fourth grade students, namely sentences with no subject and no predicate (3.6%), the S-K-S-P pattern of the verb (10.7%), and the S-P verb-is-S-P (10.7%). Other than that, There are also types of sentence pattern errors, namely the S-P verb-P repeated verb pattern (14.3%), the function of the description is not right (14.3%), S-P verb pattern-S-P verb repeated (21.4%), and subject omission (25.0%).