Keberlangsungan Home Industry Mebel Sebagai Potensi Desabalapulang Wetan Kecamatan Balapulang Kabupaten Tegal di Masa Pandemic Covid-19


Indonesia is the world's main tropical timber producer. From 1985-1989, the export value of Indonesian furniture products continued to increase. In fact, during the pandemic, the furniture industry has become one of the industries that can continue to produce. The export value of furniture in January 2019 was recorded at USD 113.36 million or around Rp. 1.61 trillion. And in the first quarter of 2021, it has risen and grew positively by 8.04%.” Unfortunately, this has not been fully felt by the furniture industry owners. Especially the furniture business players in the village. Balapulang Wetan Village, Balapulang District, Tegal Regency is one of the villages with the potential for the furniture home industry, which finds it difficult to continue to produce and maintain its industry during the pandemic. The purpose of this study is to examine what villagers can do to maintain the sustainability of the home furniture industry as the potential of the Balapulang Wetan village during the covid-19 pandemic. The research method uses qualitative methods with descriptive results using two data, namely primary and secondary. The results of this study are information regarding, (1) Home Furniture Industry as a Village Potential, (2) Pandemic Impact on Home Furniture Industry, and (3) Citizens' efforts to maintain the sustainability of Home Furniture Industry Abstrak Indonesia merupakan penghasil kayu utama tropis dunia. Mulai tahun 1985-1989 nilai ekspor produk mebel Indonesia terus mengalami peningkatan. Bahkan, dimasa pandemi industri mebel menjadi salah satu industri yang dapat terus berproduksi. Nilai ekspor mebel pada Januari 2019 tercatat mencapai USD 113,36 juta atau sekitar Rp. 1,61 triliun. Dan pada triwulan I/2021 telah bangkit dan tumbuh positif sebesar 8,04%.” Sayangnya, hal ini belum sepenuhnya dirasakan oleh para pemilik industri mebel. Khususnya para pelaku usaha mebel di desa. Desa Balapulang Wetan Kecamatan Balapulang Kabupaten Tegal menjadi salah satu desa dengan potensi home industry mebel yang merasakan sulitnya untuk terus memproduksi dan mempertahankan industrinya dimasa pandemi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti apa yang dapat dilakukan warga desa dalam mempertahankan keberlangsungan home industry mebel sebagai potensi Desa Balapulang Wetan dimasa pandemic covid-19. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan hasil berupa deskriptif dengan menggunakan dua data yaitu primer dan sekunder. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah informasi mengenai, (1) Home Industry Mebel sebagai Potensi Desa, (2) Dampak Pandemi pada Home Industry Mebel, dan (3) Upaya warga dalam mempertahankan keberlangsungan Home Industry Mebel.