
Inflation is defined as the general price trend. The tendency here is that the rise is not a momentary one. High inflation and uncontrollable rate can disrupt banking efforts in mobilizing public funds. This is because the high inflation rate causes the real interest rate to decrease. Such facts will reduce the public's desire to save so that the growth of banking funds sourced from the community will decline. This study aims to determine the effect of inflation on the profitability of Bank Syariah period 2012-2014. The results of this study indicate that inflation has no significant effect on the profitability of Sharia Banks in the period 2012-2014. It can be seen from the hypothesis test where tcount is smaller than ttable and Sig> 0,05. No significant effect is because Islamic banks are not obliged to pay returns in a fixed amount, but based on the percentage of profits earned. Also supported by the correlation value of 0.161 which means the relationship can be ignored. The coefficient of determination between inflation on ROA with a value of 2.6%. The rest, profitability is influenced by other factors namely CAR, Operational Efficiency, FDR, NPF and Exchange Rate (Exchange Rate). Kata Kunci: Inflasi, Profitabilitas, Bank Syariah.