Marketing Mix sebagai Strategi Meningkatkan Jumlah Nasabah Pada Perbankan Syari’ah


Every company must do the marketing process. This process is what makes consumers / customers interested to use products or services that are launched. so it needs a special strategy in running this process. Marketing strategy is commonly used is marketing mix, which aims to increase the number of customers, the obstacles encountered include, the modification of the price is not maximized, the product design is less good, less than optimal campaign, distribution channels are not on target, can run smoothly and continue must also be coupled with justice and honesty so that any marketing strategy run by the company will create a justice and goodness In addition to the marketing mix (Marketing Mix) in increasing the number of customers Marketing information system is also in need by the management of Sharia Banking Because the device this is usually intended to process data into information to customers and society. In addition, as a consideration of the Board of Directors to make decisions relating to marketing Kata Kunci : Marketing Mix, Strategi, Nasabah, Perbankan Syariah