Motivating students to learn Russian via toponyms


Toponyms (place names), which belong to a type of proper nouns, form an integral part of the vocabulary of every language in the world. Therefore, when learning a new foreign language, one cannot help ignoring topomyms, which are not only meaningful in terms of lexical semantics, but also bear cultural and historical values associated with countries and people. This article presents toponyms as well as their impact on the study of the Russian language for first-year students according to the coursebook \"Russian Seasons / Русский сезон\". Besides, we suggest integrating toponyms into the Russian program taught to first -year Russian majors at the University of Foreign Language Studies – The University of Da Nang as a solution to inspire beginners of the Russian language. In this way we wish to not only provide students with basic knowledge but also foster their love for the country Russia whereby the students will be motivated to learn Russian.