Study on the status and some factors related to accident injuries of students at Kim Dong secondary school, Hai Chau district, Da Nang city


Accident injuries at school-age children are the global health issues leading to the death of hundreds of thousands of children every year. The situation is the same in Vietnam.Some studies show that accident injury is the leading cause of death for children. This study has been conducted on 348 students at Kim Dong secondary school, Hai Chau district, Da Nang city with a view to describing the current situation of accident injuries and find out some factors related to accident injuries in the city. With a cross-sectional study on students at Kim Dong secondary school, we use an anonymous self-fill questionnaire to collect data. Results have shown that 34.2% students were injured in all kinds; falls accounted for 44.5%, followed by traffic accidents and animal attacks with the rate of 20.2% and 16.8% respectively; burns accounted for the lowest rate of 4.2%. Gender and grades are factors related to accident injuries in students (p < 0,05).