An IoT-based monitoring and control system for rice cultivation using alternate wetting and drying irrigation method


– Due to the impacts of climate change, the problem of water scarcity is an existential threat to rice cultivation. In this paper, the authors present the design and deployment of a remote monitoring and control system for rice cultivation using the Alternate Wetting and Drying irrigation method (AWD) in Mekong Delta. The designed system is an IoT-based system providing the ricegrowers with the ability to automatically supervise environmental parameters of paddy rice fields such as air temperature and humidity, sunlight intensity, soil moisture and water level on a 24/7 basis. With the function of controlling the water pumpers remotely, the designed system allows farmers to manage the irrigation of their rice fields conveniently and effectively. The research results will be further improved and optimized to be applicable to large-scale rice cultivation as well as application models of smart agriculture in Vietnam.