Questions to test drivers’ ethics and traffic culture: A survey for 11th grade students


For the sake of quality evaluation, 21 multiple-choice questions to test driver\'s ethics and traffic culture in a set of 600 Driving Theory Test Questions were used in a survey for 11th grade students, who were not old enough to learn driving. The results showed that there were 8 very difficult questions and 13 questions of suitable difficulty, 10 questions with problems of distraction and 3 questions likely to cause mistakes in giving answers. This provides a base for stating that all these multiple-choice questions are easy for learner drivers, which is unlikely to ensure the learning quality. In addition, the difference in difficulty levels will lead to unfairness for candidates in that there will be luckier ones who meet easier questions, especially the 4 questions with failing marks. With only a relatively short amount of learning time, scanty knowledge and a small number of questions, it is difficult for the subject on Ethics, Traffic Culture, Prevention and Control of Harmful Effects of Alcohol when participating in Traffic to bring any really practicable effect.