
The people of Nias hereditary refers to himself as 'Ono Niha' (Nias). Literally means son of man, which some experts believe anthropology and archeology as tribes or ethnic groups (Austronesian) and is one of the archipelago ancestors who came from somewhere in mainland Asia. Nias communities living in the ancient megalithic culture is evidenced by historical relics form of carvings on huge stones are still found in remote areas of Nias Island. Nias tribe is the people who live in the cultural environment and indigenous traditions are still high. Nias traditional law commonly known as fondrakö aims to regulate all aspects of life of Nias people from birth to death. Fondrakö with very powerful legal force can impose a curse for those who violate that oath fondrakö penalty incomparable torment, misery or suffering to children and grandchildren, can even kill anyone without mercy. But otherwise fondrakö can give you happiness, prosperity and abundant blessings for those who obey, practice and implement the law fondrakö life. Embryos of fondrakö Ono Niha has started delivery of the first settlement by ancestors Hia Walangi Adu in Gomo Sahayahaya. Nias tribe recognizes that the parent fondrakö whole Ono Niha is fondrakö Bõrõnadu in Gomo. From there then developed various fondrakö on the island which of course has undergone various changes and varies according to the circumstances of each.