
Creative-productive learning strategies are developned learning strategies referred to various learning approaches that are assumed to be able to improve student learning outcomes. This study aims to know: (1) The average value of learning outcomes of students in X-TB class on Civics in SMK Negeri 1 Botomuzoi (2) The average score of student learning outcomes in class X-TB at SMK Negeri 1 Botomuzoi (3) The effect of creativeproductive learning strategies on learning outcomes of students at SMK Negeri 1 Botomuzoi. The method used is the experimental method with a sample of 30 students of XTB class at SMK Negeri 1 Botomuzoi. The instruments used were test essays in five questions for the initial test and five questions for the final test. From the analysis of student learning outcomes data on the initial test, the average learning outcomes in the experimental class is 62.70, classified as sufficient, while in the control class is 60.14 which were classified as sufficient. While the analysis of student learning outcomes data at the final test the average student learning outcomes were 82.67 classified as good and for the control class by applying conventional learning models obtained on average student learning outcomes is 67.24 classified as sufficient.