
The purpose of this study was to determine the Marketing Strategy Funding Officer in collecting funds, factors that influence increased interest of customers, and how the impact of marketing strategies to increase customer interest in BPRS Amanah Ummah.  The existence of the strategy is critical in marketing the product. No matter how good segmentation, target market, and market position that is done, it will not run if it is not followed with the right strategy. Strategies are the steps that must be executed by a company to achieve the goal. Marketing is a process of which is influenced by various factors, such as social, cultural, political, economic, and managerial.  The marketing strategy is the steps undertaken to take decisions carefully in order to get the goals and objectives to be achieved by taking into account environmental conditions, as well as preparation for readinessreadiness that will be done later. All these things are done to get the desire and need to be achieved.  This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis approach, i.e. an approach that reveals the particular social situation by describing the reality correctly, formed by the words based on the technique of collecting the relevant data obtained from the natural situation. The study design can not be ascertained at the beginning given the data used is still raw so that researchers do not know for certain conditions on the ground. The process of data collection, among others, in the form of an interview with the Funding Officer (Fo Marketing) and the customer, documentation and archives BPRS Amanah Ummah.  The results obtained from this study is the implementation of the marketing strategy undertaken by funding officer gives good results, the results are done in the field, satisfaction, and good service, and marketing mix strategy applied run in accordance with the goals and objectives. Marketing mix consists of Product, Price, Place, Promotion and Service. All of these are applied in order to achieve an increase in customer interest in BPRS Amanah Ummah in saving as well as other transactions.