Akad Salam Dalam Transaksi Jual Beli


Abstract: Bay-u salam is a contract of sale of goods orders between buyers and sellers. Specifications and price of ordered goods to be agreed at the beginning of the contract, while the payment is made in advance in full. Sale and purchase of bay-u salam a sale and purchase agreement is allowed. It is based on the arguments contained in the Koran. Rukun of bay-u salam is the seller and the buyer, there are goods and money, there sighat (lafaz contract). While the terms of buying and selling of bay-u salam according to the consensus of the scholars there are five, namely the type, grade, size and nature of the object of sale and purchase of bay-u salam should be clear, booking period objects and selling bay-u salam should be clear, assuming the capital cost should be known to each parties. Keywords: Purchase, bay-u salam.   Abstrak: Jual beli salam adalah akad jual beli barang pesanan diantara pembeli dengan penjual. Spesifikasi dan harga barang pesanan harus sudah disepakati di awal akad, sedangkan pembayaran dilakukan di muka secara penuh. Jual beli salam merupakan akad jual beli yang diperbolehkan. Hal ini berdasarkan atas dalil-dalil yang terdapat dalam Alquran. Rukun salam adalah penjual dan pembeli, ada barang dan uang, ada sighat  (lafaz akad). Sedangkan syarat jual beli salam menurut kesepakatan para ulama ada lima, yaitu jenis obyek jual beli salam harus jelas, sifat obyek jual beli salam harus jelas, kadar atau ukuran obyek jual beli salam harus jelas, jangka waktu pemesanan objek jual beli salam harus jelas, asumsi modal yang dikeluarkan harus diketahui masing-masing pihak. Kata Kunci: Jual Beli, Salam.