Keluarga sebagai Madrasah Pertama Anak (Memaksimalkan Peran Orang Tua dalam Perkembangan Anak Usia 1-4 Tahun, T.A. 2019/ 2020)


Family is the nearest environment the children have. It belongs to the first and primary educational instution for them learn and grow. All developmental aspects of the children – include values of relious and moral, physical motor, cognitive, language, social-emotional, and arts – should be stimulated and supported by parents especially in family. The parents should be able to know those all aspects, so they can stilumate them appropriately. Parents play a vital role in stilumating and guiding them grow and develop. Good experience with parents they have will bring them to easily interaction with their environment. Children at 1-4 years old need people like parents to stimulate and to bring them model of good behavior, so they can survive in their future.