Implementasi Kode Etik Jurnalistik pada Rubrik Berkonten Islami


  In this digital era, all information and communication technology emhanched faster all the time. This issue gives a big chance on communication practice become more effective than before. Hence, to full the tight competition on digital era such as online media, the researcher wanted to investigate about applying ethic of journalist code in the online media and in journalist understanding to the ethic journalist code. The researcher used qualitative descriptive method which oriented on the field research and literature. On the other side, the qualitative research also directs into the finding of basic theory which is emphasized the process over the result. It also limits the research with the focus which has criteria on finding the trustwothiness dta. Based on the result on the research about applying ethic of journalist code in the Islamic rubrik OASE at Depok, online media in Depok POS always apply the ethic of journalist code with colaborate on that ethic such as the way which always used in the field by journalist and the ethic of journalist understanding are the specific detail and detail things which manage about how should the media worker such as journalist, editor, chief of reporter, news achor and every profession which can called a journalist can behave on ethic of journalist code. Further, ethic of journalist code is the basic of journalist thought.