Pengorganisasian Dalam Pandangan Islam


The term organization has two general meanings. First, the organization is defined as an  institution  or functional  group, for  example:  a  company, a  school, an  association, government agencies. Second, referring  to the organizing  process, namely how work is organized and allocated among members, so that the goals of  the organization  can be effectively achieved. While  the organization  itself is defined as  a group of people with  a system of cooperation to achieve common goals. There are two help words contained in the Qur'an to study this organization. The word is Shaff and the Ummah. The word shaff inspires the concept that organizations must have members, consisting of people, in a place, there is order, purpose, leader, delegation of  authority  and  responsibility,  and  there is sincere intention and struggle in the way of God. The conclusion that the organizational structure at the time of the Messenger of Allāh if reached the khalifah and is now almost the same, only different ideologies. Formerly using the law of  Allah  SWT, based  on the Qur'an  and hadith,  while  at this time we use  the Pancasila ideology, using two sources of law: the civil / criminal law of the Dutch heritage and the compilation of Islamic law. At the time of Islam, financial instruments focus on the zakat and tax sectors, while for our government today we use more tax financial instruments. Organizations in the view of Islam are not merely a container, but rather emphasize how a job is done neatly. The organization places more emphasis on regulating work mechanisms. every person who accepts the leadership task that the highest leadership belongs to Allah, for that the leadership given and carried out must always refer to the basic concepts bui lt in Islam. The thing that must be realized that in a good organization must also be accompanied by Islamic values including sincerity, togetherness and sacrifice.