Pengaruh Persepsi Mahasiswa terhadap Minat Menabung di Bank Syariah:


  This research was motivated by the low  interest in saving FEBI INAIS students in Islamic Banks. The purpose of the study was to analyze  the influence  of the perception of FEBI INAIS students on the interest in saving  at a Sharia Bank This research is quantitative and data collection method with questionnaire distribution technique.  The total population is 386 FEBI INAIS active students, using random sampling techniques and the sample  used by 200 respondents taken using the Slovin  method, the analysis   used  in   this study is simple linear   regression analysis,   which consists of  one dependent variable and one independent variable. The results  showed that the variables  of student perceptions of Islamic  banks had a real  and positive influence  on the interest in  saving FEBI  INAIS students in Islamic  banks. The perception of FEBI INAIS students contributed  to  the influence  of interest in saving  in Islamic  Banks 22.9%, and the  rest  (77.1%)  was the influence of other factors,  which were not examined.