Faktor Penyebab Rendahnya Minat UMKM di Kecamatan Pamijahan Dalam Memilih Pembiayaan pada Bank Syariah


This study aims to analyze the factors causing low interest of MSMEs in Pamijahan District in choosing financing for Islamic banks. The study was conducted using quantitative research methods with primary data from the secondary. Primary data was obtained through a questionnaire survey of the Pamijahan community. The sample, a number of 25 UMKM in the Pamijahan Subdistrict neighborhood, was taken proportionally puporsif. The study period was three months in the April-June 2018 period. Based on the partial test (t test) shows that promotion has a positive influence on the interests of UMKM in Pamijahan District. Based on the simultaneous test (test f), products, financing procedures, promotion and profit sharing together have a positive effect on the increasing interest of UMKM in Pamijahan District in choosing financing in Islamic banks (R2 0.609). The most dominant factor influencing the increasing interest of UMKM in Pamijahan District, choosing Islamic bank financing is the promotion factor.