Pengaruh Pergeraka Tingkat Suku Bunga dan Inflasi terhadap Nilai Aktiva Bersih Reksadana Saham


This study aims at determining the influence of BI interest rate  and inflation toward NAV balance mutual funds. This research was conducted during the period of data since 2008 to 2012. The sample used was the 30 balance mutual funds that are registered and active traded in Bapepam. From the results of the research literature conclude the basic assumptions that variable BI interest rate, and inflation levels affect the NAV of balance   mutual funds. Hypothetical tested is that there is a significant influence among independent variables to dependent variables, both partial and simultaneous. Research was conducted with regression analysis using application of Eviews 6.0. The test results shows that thypothetical is supported by data. Variable index BI interest rate    can  influence a positive significant to NAV  balance mutual  funds amounted   2,152514; inflastion levels can influence a negative significant to NAV balance mutual funds amounted  0,730341; the independent variables BI rate (X1) and inflastion (X2) both partial and simultaneous can influence to NAV balance mutual funds at trust level 5%.