Penggunaan Google Classroom untuk Mendukung Perkuliahan di IAI-N Laa Roiba Bogor


ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the potential and opportunities for the application of e-learning applications at IAI-N Laa Roiba; explore differences in perceptions of student-lecturer status, gender, faculty, campus location, and age group in implementing Google Classroom as an e-learning model at IAIN Laa Roiba. The research method used is a combination of descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis (average difference test) with primary data from the October-November 2019 survey. The analysis results conclude:The use of Google Classrom has good potential to support inexpensive and practical learning. Laa Rooiba's IAI-N academic community generally has a good perception of the adoption of Google Classroom as an inexpensive and practical e-Learning model. The difference in campus location does not significantly affect the different perceptions of using cyberspace media in learning at IAI-N Laa Roiba. However, there is a potential (standard error of 10%) that differences in location affect the perception of cognitive and affective aspects. Faculty differences have a real impact on the perception of the application of Google Classroom in learning. The perception of the academic community of the Syriah faculty is relatively better than that of the tarbiyah faculty. Especially in the affective and conative aspects, but not significantly different in cognitive aspects. The difference in age as a whole does not affect the change in perception of the study sample. But, partially, the age difference only has a significant impact on the conative aspect, not on the cognitive and affective aspects. Differences in student-teacher status differ only in significance in the conative and total score aspects of the session. While in cognitive and affective aspects, students and lecturers did not differ significantly. Gender differences are correlated with differences in the perception of the adoption of Google Classroom at IAI-N Laa Roiba. Especially in cognitive and conative aspects. Significant affective aspects if the standard error is raised to 10%. Keywords: Cyberspace, Google Classroom, Inexpensive, Lecture, Practical