Metode Pendidikan Agama pada Anak Balita suatu Pendekatan Psikologis


The purpose of this study is to find out effective and efficient methods of religious education in educating children under five using a psychological approach. This research uses descriptive analytic method through literature study. Data collection techniques use a variety of literature related to the discussion, as well as the Koran and hadith. Data analysis is content analysis trying to give a significant meaning to the analysis, explaining the description patterns, and looking for relationships between the dimensions of the description.. The results showed that: (1) Method is one of the educational components used in fostering and educating children. Educators need to choose the method of education in accordance with the level of development of religious life comprehension in children, (2) The development of children is the development of the functions of the soul integrally, related to one another. Each level of development requires guidance and appropriate leadership according to their needs for life preparation in the future, (3) Toddler age is a sensitive period in physical and spiritual growth and development. Therefore it is necessary to prepare a religious environment so that the soul of religion is embedded in him that can be used as a basic capital of faith in his adult life, (4) The effectiveness of a method is very dependent on the personal educator and the level of development and needs of children. Keywords: Educational Methods, Toddler, Psychological