Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Berbasis Komputer di SDN 3 Sukarara Kabupaten Lombok Timur


This study aims to determine the procedure for developing Civics Teaching Materials for class VI SD Negeri 3 Sukarara, East Lombok Regency using Microsoft Powerpoint software that is feasible to be applied as a learning medium (functioning as it should) as a learning medium*, source, and produce teaching material products in the form of Powerpoint Subject Civics Class VI SD Negeri 3 Sukarara, East Lombok Regency, which is feasible to be used as an effective and optimal learning medium as a learning resource. and Development model (RD). The development model in this study adopts the learning design development model developed by Dick & Carey and Borg & Gall. The model of developing computer-based learning media on Citizenship Education subjects at SD Negeri 3 Sukarara, East Lombok Regency can be described as follows:*(1) determining the subjects to be developed in the media;*(2) conducting preliminary research;*(3) making software design;*(4) collection of materials; (5) develop product form;*(6) validation by media and materials expert;* (7) analysis; (8) revision I/revision of initial product; (9) small group evaluation; (10) analysis of small group results; (11) revision II; (12) large group trial; (13) analysis of large group test results; (14) effectiveness/application test; and (15) the final product. The use of computer-based learning media in Civics subjects using *powerpoint* which was developed is suitable to be used to support the learning of Civics subjects, because it has been tested for feasibility by media experts and learning material experts with decent results, and has been tested for feasibility. on the application of learning media with results that can increase student achievement by 162.1%.