Pengembangan Media Audio Visual dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Materi Kesetaraan Uang di SDN Pondok Bahar 3


Audio visual learning media in the learning process are used by educators to maximize the delivery of subject matter provided to students. Each educator develops the learning media, according to the subjects to be given. This study aims to develop audio-visual media as a learning media that is in accordance with the criteria for media eligibility, material and effective in currency equivalence mathematics learning to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of the learning process from home (BDR) during the Covid-19 pandemic at Pondok Bahar Elementary School 3. Method which is used in this research is qualitative research and the method of development Research and Development (R&D) is a research method used to research so as to produce a product. The results showed that audio-visual media using Microsoft power point in the form of presentation slides added with interesting pictures was very effective at SDN Pondok Bahar 3, Tangerang City.