Membangun Kepedulian Lingkungan Peserta Didik MI melalui Literasi Sains


The occurrence of floods, landslides, and the use of dynamite to catch fish is an excessive activity ekpsloitatif against nature without the awareness of the importance of environmental carrying capacity and ecological function. Some examples are examples of human behavior that is not wise to the environment. This condition encourages the need to provide understanding to students in madrasah Ibtidaiyah about the importance of building awareness of the environment. Building environmental awareness of MI learners can be through science literacy. by integrating them in classroom learning in the form of strategies, teaching materials and learning media and props. In addition to the classroom, to build environmental awareness needed various aspects of support among environmentally sound school policies. It requires synergy between the headmaster policy, curriculum, activities that are participatory, and facilities infrastructure. This journal contains the concept of science literacy in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, understanding and attitude of environmental awareness, critical analysis between science literacy in MI and environmental awareness. Through this journal MI is expected to have understanding and awareness in building environmental awareness through science literacy in MI.