Urgensi Penerapan Prinsip Manajemen Modern pada Lembaga Pendidikan


The success of an educational institution cannot be separated from the management system that regulates all educational activities in it properly. Modern management principles are the key to success and provide various innovations and new breakthroughs in the governance of an educational institution. It is important for Islamic educational institutions to participate in implementing a modern management system that manages the various educational needs of an institution. With the application of good modern management principles in Islamic educational institutions and institutions, it will have a tremendous positive impact on the progress of these institutions. Starting from educators and students will benefit equally.Efficiency and effectiveness will be obtained by Islamic education institutions in the education management system which will later help achieve the goals of Islamic education to be achieved.Therefore, it is appropriate for an Islamic educational institution to want to change the order of its education management as an effort to improve the learning system in order to get the desired results. Also, the use of modern management in the implementation of education will give a new color, especially in Islamic religious education.