Nonparametric estimation approach for evaluating the trend of hydro-meteorological factors in Quang Nam - Da Nang


- With the purpose of analysing trend variations of hydro-meteorological factors in Quang Nam Da Nang area, as a basis for the planning as well as socio-economic development of the locality in the future, the research uses the nonparametric estimation method to evaluate the tendency of changes in rainfall, runoff and temperature at stations in the basin. Based on data of more than 40 years, from 1976 to 2016, hydro-meteorological factors are analyzed with different parameters, such as annual average, annual maximum, annual minimum, dry season average, and maximun daily rainfall, three-day maximun rainfall, etc. Research results show the change of factors in space as well as over time. At the same time, the study also builds up the trend equation of the research quantities, as a basis for future scenario assessment.