Buddhism and environmental protection: a case study of Da Nang city


The paper presented the basis of the Buddhist views on the environment and environmental protection. This is a case study of Da Nang city. Theoretically, the research based on the theory of Dependent Origination and the view on sentient equality. Practically, the authors examined some Buddhist environmental protection activities such as to protect the living creatures, to live in harmony with nature, to reduce desire and content with any condition, to be vegetarian and to plant trees. Qualitative and quantitative data collected from surveys was processed to clarify the reality of environmental protection activities conducted by the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha in Da Nang. The findings have revealed that their environmental protection activities could be classified into main categories as regenerating the ecological environment, forming environment-friendly lifestyle, communicating and educating about environmental protection. Besides, the authors analysed some limitations. Also, the paper put forward some proposals to promote the effectiveness of the environmental protection implemented by the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha in Da Nang.