Analisis Perjuangan HMI dalam Memerdekakan Ummat dan Bangsa Indonesia dari Pengaruh Kolonialisme


The idea of establishing an Islamic Student Organization and forming a youth forum is a spirit that has never faded in the thoughts of the founders of HMI. The milestones starting from before the old order, the old order and the new order became clear evidence that there was always the idea of establishing a place to accommodate the ideas and ideas of an Islamic student union. This idea arose because of circumstances that were seen as obstacles to the nation's development process where the situation was different in each case. HMI as an Islamic organization, of course, is always in line with the Islamic Religion movement as a religion of struggle, and this is what determines and inspired the birth of HMI. The general situation before the birth of HMI will be described below, were the factors behind the establishment of HMI. The arrival of the British, Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch to Indonesia, apart from being colonizers, was also the bearer of the "Missi and Zending" brought with it Western civilization. This paper is reviewed by paying attention to: topic selection, data collection as primary and secondary sources, selection of sources in the form of HMI's Struggle in Liberating the Identity Values of the Indonesian Ummah and Nation from the Influence of Colonialism and source credibility, then equipped with interpretations, so as to display the pattern and style of HMI in its implementation. chronological order of writing. The type of this research is qualitative research, so this research is descriptive-analytic.