Rekonstruksi Peran Lembaga Kekaryaan HMI sebagai Penunjang Inovasi Kebudayaan Masyarakat


Professional Development Institutions are HMI special groups (outside KOHATI, BPL, and Balitbang) which is tasked with carrying out HMI obligations in accordance with their respective functions and fields, work training in the form of community service dharma in the nation and state development process. As contained in the main elements of the HMI Personality Essence. The existence of a work institution is intended to sharpen the means to achieve the goals of HMI, so that in the process a clear direction can be formed, so that the implementation of the guidance and development of the employment institution can truly be coordinated. Cultural innovation is a process of cultural change that occurs over a long period of time. Innovation is a cultural renewal through the mindset and the individual so as to produce an useful work.