Politik Simulacra dalam Ekstasi Media Sosial di Indonesia


Jean Baudrillard through Simulation (1983) made a thoughtful approach that predicted that reality would eventually die. The 'new world' which Baudrillard calls the 'Simulacra Galaxy', has in fact engulfed all aspects of life, including democracy. Dialectics on democracy, which provides an opportunity for every child of the nation to freely express opinions, actually leads to freedom that crosses the boundaries of the human rights of fellow citizens of the nation. Quietly, primordialism of religion, class, ethnicity, regionalism, and all exclusive social groupings has risen again, which is compounded with the liberal political process which since the reformation has been transformed into new shackles that limit national life. Regional autonomy which is increasingly liberal with the aroma of federation has strengthened the barriers of the new primordial revitalism. The predictions of the threat of "independence" and "referendum" which erupted in one or two regions when the 2019 election process tended to harden, shows how short the reasoning of some of the nation's children in this country is. Democracy has finally experienced silting which at this stage is nothing more than a textual narrative. and separated from the context. Democracy actually raises simplifications that reduce the details of the various things that surround the complexity of the post truth reality in it. Various debates are presented via television, mass media and even the rise of hoaxes through digital technology-based social media which in Baudrillard's view is a field that conditions the general public to be drawn all their attention and concentration into a mandala like a black hole. He called it Simulacra, namely the existing reality is virtual reality, pseudo reality, artificial reality (hyper-reality). Finally, the democratic contestation that upholds the values of civility and human values is drowned in the joy of the digital world which is full of superficial truths (post truth) due to the simplification of monofacet democracy.