Eksposisi Kata dan Frasa Pelayanan Sosial Politik Nabi Samuel di Masa Pemerintahan Transisi


The phrase that "Samuel ruled as judge over the Israelites all his life" indicates that the spiritual and governmental responsibilities did not cease until he died. The atmosphere of socio-political service is described even more strikingly and impressively when the monarchy reigned under the reign of the first king in Israel under the reign of King Saul. Socio-political service does not stop even though he is no longer the leader of the Israeli people, namely as a judge, but he still interacts with socio-political issues in addition to the spiritual and social problems of his nation. This fact of Samuel's ministry shows the need for a realistic understanding in today's society that the leadership of God's people in this matter can also be the leadership of God's church so as not to refuse at all or be hesitant to take part in ministry in socio-political life. In this paper the author only examines the exposition of words and phrases, namely trying to understand the knowledge or understanding of the biblical texts which are clearly closely related to the socio-political ministry of the Prophet Samuel so that this knowledge can be appropriated so that God's people can apply them in socio-political life. present time. The research method used in this paper is descriptive method. The use of this descriptive method is used to get a clear picture of the exposition texts, whether they are phrases / phrases or words that intersect with the experience and ministry of the prophet Samuel in the socio-political field during the transition period from the rule of judges to the monarchy of Israel. The themes of the descriptive study and discussion are formed from the exposition of the phrases and words in the socio-political field of the ministry and experience of the prophet Samuel.