Dampak Pemikiran KH. Ahmad Dahlan pada Bidang Pendidikan Islam


The world of education in ancient times was of course not different from the world of education today, in the past education was very limited, this was due to the lack of educational facilities, but an era of education began to develop, this was inseparable from the efforts of educational leaders in Indonesia. The only one is KH. Ahmad Dahlan, KH. Ahmad Dahlan is a founder of Muhammadiyah. Through his thoughts, he can have a brilliant impact in the world of education, especially in the world of Islamic education. This researches method is a qualitative research method with the type of library research. The data collection technique used by the author is to collect and review various books, journals, and others related to the material. After that, the data that has been obtained are analyzed using descriptive methods, namely research methods that try to provide a complete picture of the facts around. The result of this research is the impact of KH. Ahmad Dahlan’s thoughts in the field of Islamic education.