Beberapa Tumbuhan Obat di Dalam Al-Quran Ditinjau dari Perspektif Sains


Treatment of a disease using synthetic drugs always has side effects. In the Al-Quran, many kinds of plants can be used as medicine. Some of them are cucumber, tin, olives, pomegranate, grapes, ginger, dates, and bananas. The cure of a disease using plants as medicine has always been a prominent feature in Islamic teaching. The purpose of writing this article is to study literature about several medicinal plants according to the Al-Quran in a scientific perspective. The medicinal plants mentioned in the Al-Quran contain many active compounds which are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anticancer properties. Medicines derived from plants do not have side effects like synthetic drugs, so they are very well used for the treatment of a disease.