Pengembangan Instrumen Tes Siswa SDN Pinang 2 Kota Tangerang


This study aims to generate valid and reliable questions.This research is using the R&D (Research and Development) method or the Research and Development method. The development procedure used in this study refers to the instrument development procedure proposed by Djemari Mardapi. The technique consists of nine steps, namely: (1) compiling test specifications (2) writing test questions (3) reviewing test questions (4) conducting test trials (5) analyzing test items (6) improving tests (7) assembling tests (8) carry out the test (9) Interpret the test results. From the results of the analysis, the effective value of all multiple choice is 0.81, and the effective value of the analysis is 2.04 which indicates that the item has high reliability. From these results it can be said that the problems developed are qualitatively, quantitatively effective and have a high standard of reliability. So that the reliability coefficient of multiple choice questions is 0.81 and the type of problem is 2.04 indicates that the questions developed based on the concept of Bloom's classification have a high reliability interpretation.