Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Motivasi Kerja Guru IPS di SMP


The increasing popularity of the concept of teacher work motivation is based on the belief that work motivation has implications, not only on people and organizations, but also on society as a whole. The role of the teacher as one of the components in learning activities (KBM) has a very important role in determining the success of learning. Seeing the importance of the teacher's role in the education process and at the same time as the party responsible for the education process in schools. This study aims to describe the factors that affect the work motivation of junior high school social studies teachers. This research is a descriptive qualitative research using field observation methods, interviews and documentation from data sources. Obtaining data in this study were analyzed and presented in the form of a brief description. The results of this study are work motivation that affects social studies teachers in work or teaching, in the form of things that are individual (internal) and organizational (external) such as economic need motives, teacher attitudes in the global era, abilities, salary payments, work environment, supervision and job satisfaction.