Analisis Butir Soal Ulangan Akhir Semester Ganjil Mata Pelajaran IPS Kelas IV SDS Sari Putra
Based on the initial interview with Sanusi, S.Pd at SDS Sari Putra, there was a problem in the odd semester end test (UAS) items. Based on the results of the interview, it was obtained information that the process of composing odd UAS questions in IPS grade IV SD had been tested through the item analysis stage. The interview method in this study was used as a preliminary study to find the problems to be studied and the test implementation process at the UAS.Calculate the difficulty level of the question using a formula TK = (WL + WH) / (n2 + n1) x 100%. Analysis of the difficulty level of the questions is to study the test questions in terms of difficulty so that it can be obtained which questions are easy, medium, and difficult. The level of difficulty of the questions is seen from the ability or ability of students to answer. Item analysis is a systematic system, which will provide very specific information on the test items to be compiled. Analysis of the items at night aims to see whether each item is really good, so analysis is needed. The implementation of the test at the odd UAS for the fourth grade social studies subject at SDS SARI PUTRA is quite good.