Pengembangan Teknik dan Instrumen Asesmen Aspek Pengetahuan Berbasis Teknologi


This study aims to determine the development of technology-based knowledge aspects and assessment instruments. When viewed from an educational perspective, technology-based assessment is a set of assessment processes carried out by teachers as educators using computers, LCDs, cellphones, and the like to optimize learning to make it more efficient and attractive. Therefore, the development of technological advances can be used to develop techniques and assessment of technology-based aspects of knowledge, this research uses. This study uses a type of library research (Liberary Research). The results in this study explained that in the assessment process there were two techniques that could be actualized, namely the test and non-test techniques, using multiple choice, oral, and assignment instruments. In addition, there are also applications that make it easier for teachers to use assessments, including exam view, study house question bank, e-portfolio, digital rubric, and alternative digital assessment.