Strategi Pemberdayaan Perempuan di Desa Panggak Darat Kecamatan Lingga Kabupaten Lingga


Program Pemberdayaan Perempuan (Women Empowerment Program) in Panggak Darat Village is one of the women empowerment program organized by the local government through Badan Pemberdayaan Perempuan, Perlindungan Anak, dan Keluarga Berencana (BP3AKB) Lingga regency to empower women to be more empowered, by providing direct grants to the village which wa s then submitted to training group women empowerment. With this program are expected to be more independent women. The Program is training activities such as weaving and sewing. The problem raised are (1) How Women Empowerment in Panggak Darat Village of Lingga District, (2) What strategy is used in the empowerment of women, (3) What are the enabling and inhibiting factors in the empowerment of women. This research aims to determine the strategy of empowerment of women in Panggak Darat Village through weaving and sewing training, as well as to determine the significance of this training. This study used a qualitative research approach, the type of research is descriptive. Subjects were head of women empowerment, training members, and the community including the village chief and chairman of the Trustees of Family Welfare. The data collection used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The fact in the location that women empowerment focuses was the Resource-Based View (RBV), which focuses on human resources and natural resources in a region. While the strategy of using cedar mezzo-based strategies, namely strategies undertaken over several groups, such as weaving and sewing training groups, each group consisting of two groups of training. In weaving training, after some of the group members follow the development of creativity training, members of the group formed two groups worked together to weave and between groups. As for sewing training, conducted by presenting a coach to teach you about how to sew a good clothes. The benefits obtained after training is empowering members acquire knowledge and skills that can then be developed to open their own business and can fulfill necesstityt.