Pentingnya Budaya dan Kearifan Lokal Dalam Pengembangan Dunia Penyiaran di Daerah


Pentingnya Budaya Dan Kearifan Lokal Dalam Pengembangan Dunia Penyiaran Di Daerah   Rumzi Samin (Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Negara FISIP UMRAH)   Abstract: It is ethnic Malay people can be seen as a cultural (culture), not necessarily in genealogy (equation consanguinity). As a civilized creatures must not be separated from the rules and regulations known as the rule of law . Due to wilt synonymous with Islam , the Islamic values become the basic foundation of the indigenous Malay.Sowing wisdom realized by providing an understanding of the layman , explaining in vague and give sense to the people who are still in diapers and knowledge. To discuss something useful let first thought good orbad , do not talk nonsense.Language broadcasting in speaking not considered beforehand good or bad , it will not bring benefits , talks futile just spending time alone , and even bring in contention. Language broadcasting using local languages is a local wisdom used to facilitate understanding of the information submitted and facilitate digestion and kenalaran information so readily accepted by the local community .